Understanding the Impact of Passing by Value vs. Reference in C++

3 min readJul 17, 2024


When writing C++ code, one of the fundamental decisions you have to make is whether to pass arguments by value or by reference. This choice can have significant implications on the performance and behavior of your code. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between these two approaches, using a practical example to illustrate the impact.

The Problem: Constructing a Binary Tree (https://leetcode.com/problems/create-binary-tree-from-descriptions)

Let’s consider a problem where we need to construct a binary tree from a set of parent-child relationships. Each relationship is represented as a vector of three integers: the parent node, the child node, and a boolean indicating whether the child is a left child.

Here’s the correct solution of the problem:

class Solution {
TreeNode* constructTree(int val, unordered_map<int, vector<pair<int, bool>>> &child) {
TreeNode* node = new TreeNode(val);
if (child.find(val) != child.end()) {
for(auto itr: child[val]) {
if (itr.second) {
node -> left = constructTree(itr.first, child);
} else {
node -> right = constructTree(itr.first, child);
return node;
TreeNode* createBinaryTree(vector<vector<int>>& d) {
unordered_set<int> parentCount;
unordered_set<int> childCount;
unordered_map<int, vector<pair<int, bool>>> child;
int rootVal = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < d.size(); i++) {
int a = d[i][0], b = d[i][1], c = d[i][2];
child[d[i][0]].push_back({b, c});

for(auto itr: parentCount) {
if (!childCount.contains(itr)) {
rootVal = itr;
return constructTree(rootVal, child);

The Key Difference: Passing by Value vs. Reference

In the `constructTree` function, we initially passed the `unordered_map` by value:

TreeNode* constructTree(int val, unordered_map<int, vector<pair<int, bool>>> child) {
// Function implementation

This approach created a new copy of the map every time `constructTree` was called, which is highly inefficient. By contrast, passing by reference avoids this unnecessary copying:

TreeNode* constructTree(int val, unordered_map<int, vector<pair<int, bool>>>& child) {
// Function implementation

Why Passing by Reference Matters

1. Performance: When you pass a large data structure by value, you create a copy of it. This can be expensive in terms of both time and memory. In our example, copying the `unordered_map` in every recursive call caused significant slowdowns, making the code run in about 2000ms for some test cases.

2. Correctness: Passing by reference ensures that all changes to the data structure within the function affect the original structure. This is crucial when multiple parts of your program need to work with the same data.

Performance Comparison

Let’s compare the performance of the two approaches using the example of constructing a binary tree. Here’s a summary:

Example TestCase(Add below test case in the leetcode add tests section):

  • Passing by Value: Each recursive call creates a new copy of the `unordered_map`, leading to large overhead. For our test cases, this approach took around 2000ms.
Results on passing by value
  • Passing by Reference: The `unordered_map` is not copied, and the function operates directly on the original data. This approach drastically reduced the execution time to around 9ms.
Results on passing by reference


In C++, whether you pass arguments by value or by reference can greatly impact your program’s performance and correctness. Always consider the size and complexity of the data structures you’re working with. For large or complex data structures, passing by reference is usually the better choice, as it avoids unnecessary copying and ensures that all changes are reflected in the original data.

By understanding and applying this principle, you can write more efficient and effective C++ code. Happy coding!

This example illustrates the importance of passing by reference for efficiency and correctness, especially in recursive functions working with large data structures. By adopting this approach, you can optimize your code and avoid common pitfalls related to unnecessary data copying.




A learner, who learn things and try to express my learning by writing it down. Trying to be a good engineer :)