“AI is likely to be either the best or worst thing to happen to humanity.”
-Stephen Hawking
If the veracity is told, from being driving cars by Tesla, ordering grocery through Alexa or to writing an email with Siri, Artificial Intelligence has transfigured many aspects of our life.
The organizations are using AI as a tool for generating value. Increasingly, that value is coming in the form of revenues. A small contingent of respondents coming from a variety of industries attribute 20 percent or more of their organizations’ earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) to AI. These companies plan to invest even more in AI in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its acceleration of all things digital. This could create a wider divide between AI leaders and the majority of companies still struggling to capitalize on the technology; however, these leaders engage in a number of practices that could offer helpful hints for success. And while companies overall are making some progress in mitigating the risks of AI, most still have a long way to go.
- by McKinsey Survey 2020
Now the big question arises can Health Care industry can be shifted or alternate to AI??
If any of you is Disney’s fan, than you must be known of Big Hero 6 movie in 2014 where Baymax was a fictional superhero, an artificial synthformer capable of synthtransing his body. Baymax was equipped with internal scanners and sensors able to detect and evaluate the threat posed by lifeforms in the immediate vicinity.
Just like Baymax a personal healthcare companion robot with many in-built features and devices used treatment purposes which works on machine learning and AI automated from the large data based on treatment and medicinal information. Now, yes it is a fiction yet is there a chance can we have a non-fictitious Baymax?
Let’s the hear the say of experts?
Elon Musk, says, “With Artificial Intelligence we are summoning the demon”.
Alex Meshkin, Flow Health CEO, says, “there is no industry in more need of AI & automation than healthcare. But we first need to break down data & workflow silos”.
Dave Waters Says, “the potential benefits of Artificial Intelligence are huge, so are the dangers”.
Vinod Khosla, a legendary Silicon Valley investor, argues that robots will replace doctors by 2035.
Forbes Council members, David Talby, making AI, big data and data science to solve real-world problems in healthcare, life science, and related fields, but they can never human doctors.
We heard from great leaders and experts on AI and related to it’s effect, we met with contrasting thoughts. With these statements we cannot say for sure that AI will replace doctors. Still, let’s move ahead and see what else we have.
No doubt, with each passing year, the fight between humans and robots is becoming more serious, intense and fascinating. It’s a long on-going debate where supporters, believers, and experts are in the power of one form over the other and one replacing the other.
Let’s have a battle b/w Doctors Vs Robots :|
1. Quality of Healthcare Delivery: Robotic systems don’t have feelings, they can’t get tired, and they never have a slip of attention. If this sounds like the perfect surgeon, it was also the reasoning behind multiple robots that are already used in top hospitals around the world. Called Waldo surgeons, these can bridge the gap between humans and machines and perform tasks with excellent precision, increased strength and no tremors of the knife. As long as the software is correctly set for the undergoing procedure, the human surgeon takes a secondary, supervising role.
2. Clinical Productivity: The first idea to use a robot for medical purposes remotely came from DARPA in the 1990s, but communication networks at that time were not able to offer the necessary support to treat soldiers on the battlefield. Current 4G and upcoming 5G standards have made this a problem of the past. DARPA continues to fund these efforts, yet until now it seems that robotic surgery still requires human assistants for hygiene purposes and other tasks, which, in fact, is making matters more complicated and not economically viable.
Service robots can perform human functions like making sick or elderly patients feel less lonely. Conversational and companion robots can help these patients stay positive, remind them to take their medicine and perform simple routine check-ups like temperature, blood pressure, and sugar levels.
3. Accuracy of Database: Medical artificial intelligence (AI) can perform with expert-level accuracy and deliver cost-effective care at scale. IBM’s Watson diagnoses heart disease better than cardiologists do. Chat bots dispense medical advice for the United Kingdom’s National Health Service in lieu of nurses. Smartphone apps now detect skin cancer with expert accuracy. Algorithms identify eye diseases just as well as specialized physicians. Some forecast that medical AI will pervade 90% of hospitals and replace as much as 80% of what doctors currently do. But for that to come about, the health care system will have to overcome patients’ distrust of AI.3. Clinical Productivity.
4. Improve decision making : Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in healthcare. AI software platforms are currently being developed or implemented for use in many targeted healthcare applications, including (but not limited to) medical diagnostics, patient monitoring, and learning healthcare systems. This domain focuses on AI algorithms and software being developed to support clinical decision-making and/or public health policy making. These AI algorithms typically employ computerized predictive analysis algorithms to filter, organize, and search for patterns in big data sets from multiple sources and provide a probability analysis upon which healthcare providers can make fast and informed decisions.
So these, were many of the few facts which compares or differentiates AI doctors from human doctors. And one point I like to give here is that, look at the picture may be AI robots can illustrate better to their patients by any video or graphic format and they can have installed gadgets in their body for many treatments like Oxymeter, Pulse, Blood Pressure, etc. So it will definitely help in instant treatment of patients without any human error.
Ending Note and my personal #Opinion :
We all knew and no matter what, AI Robots can never replace human touch or emotional feelings. Still I believe they can definitely, a alternative of doctors I will not use the term replace here as replacement means 100% effective against the previous but AI Robots may be better in decision making or accuracy still they are the creations of Human Mind and it is well said, “No matter how great the creativity of creator is, but it can never replace the creator”.
In the same means, according to my understanding and thinking, AI robots must have to come into play as we have very scarcity of qualified doctors and patient-to-doctor ratio is very poor more concentrating on India. So, if a Tesla can replace drivers that we never imagined, AI Robots can definitely alternates the doctor.
And yes, I need my own Baymax who is my personal healthcare companion.
Thank You for reading and share your thoughts over this dilemma and let me know your feedback.